Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BT Apex Barrel Review

Background information:
This review is of the first generation Apex barrel. There is a newer generation that has been aesthetically improved and advertises the same abilities: Click here for link to Apex2.

I received this barrel with an A-5 I bought from another player via the Special Ops Forums. I used the Apex for a period of about 6 months (alternating with a few other barrels). 

The Apex barrel is meant to give you an advantage over another player. It allows you to "curve" the paintball around a tree, over a bunker or other obstacle. 

This advantage is nice to have, but it is not something you can just think to your paintball "curve over there" and it will happen. The user needs to manually spin the apex tip as well as adjust the angle of the rubberized ramp located in the end of the barrel (using a tab located on the Apex).

I found this barrel a blast for "plinking" at targets in the yard. Though in practical applications (aka a game) it was more of a hinderance to keep adjusting. It is very hard to get the right combination of backspin/distance to curve balls around a bunker, but it did do as advertised.

The only competition for this product is the Tippmann Flatline barrel, which pales in comparison. It is pickier on paint, can not be "shut off," It also can't do any of the other features of the Apex or Apex2 (removable tip etc). 

The Apex Tip can also be adapted to other barrel tips using something commonly known as the "tape mod" or an adapter. 

-"Flatline" or "backspin" effect can be shut off
- tip can be removed and put on a better barrel with an adapter
- allows you to shoot farther
- Works best during scenarios where you can hit masses that can't reach out to you

- The "curving around a bunker" effect is not as great as it seems, and is almost pointless (in my opinion), although, when set for distance, it works fine.
- Not tourny legal
-Added distance, but more bounces at this distance.
-The stock barrel for an Apex tip is almost identical to the A-5 stock barrel, same porting and length. It leaves much to be desired. (

If your are set on improving the distance of your paintball gun, and are thinking about purchasing a Flatline or Apex/Apex2 barrel, I have to recommend the Apex. It is a cheaper and (in my opinion) better product. I would rather not use one at all and just have a decent barrel bore/paintball match, but if you are set on it this review will hopefully help you choose between.

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